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For å sette opp LTI 1.3-protokollen og kjøre applikasjonen, følg trinnene under.

(1) Opprett en tilgangsnøkkel

1.1 Navigate to the Konto (Account) Tab:


  • A new window named “Tilgangsnøkkeldetaljer" will appear displaying the generated access key in front of the "Nøkkel:" field.
    Copy and securely store this value as it will be required when initially running the LTI application.


(2) Sette opp LTI nøkkel

2.1 Navigate to the Administrator Tab:


  • On the far right side, next to your LTI nøkkel under "Tilstand" (Status), click on the grey checkbox to turn it green. Confirm any prompts that appear.


(3) Konfigurasjon av LTI nøkkel

3.1 Navigate to the Administrator Tab:

  • Click on the "Administrator" tab located on the left-hand side of the page.

3.2 Select the Account:

  • Choose the account where you previously created the LTInøkkel.


3.3 Access the Settings Section:

  • A second column on the left-hand side will appear. Scroll down and select "Innstillinger" (Settings).

3.4 Switch to the Apps Tab:

  • Click on the "Apper" (Apps) tab.

3.5 View Application Configurations:

  • On the right-hand side of the page, click on "Vis applikasjonskonfigurasjoner" (Show application configurations).


3.6 Add a New App:

  • Click on "+App".


3.7 Select Manual Entry:

  • A new page will appear. Click on the drop-down menu labeled "Manuell innlegging" (Manual entry).

3.8 Set up with Client ID:

  • Click on “Av klient-ID”


3.9 Enter LTI Client ID:

  • Paste the "LTI Client ID" that you copied in step 1.12 into the “Klient-ID" box.

3.10 Submit the Form:

  • Click on “Send inn“ (Submit).


3.11 Confirmation Dialog:

  • A dialog box will appear. Click on “Installere” (Install).

3.12 Final Installation Confirmation:

  • A dialog box appears. Click on "Ja, installer verktøy".


(4) Kjøring av applikasjonen (første gang)


4.1 Navigate to the Administrator Tab:

  • Click on the "Administrator" tab located on the left-hand side of the page.


4.2 Select the Account:

  • Choose the account where you previously created the LTInøkkel.



4.3 Locate the LTI Key:

  • Scroll down the second column on the left-hand side of the page to find the name of the LTI nøkkel you created earlier. Click on it.

  • Note: If this is your first time accessing this LTI nøkkel, proceed to the next steps. Otherwise, the process automatically proceeds.


4.4 Enter API Key:

  • Paste the “Nøkkel" value that you copied in step 1.7 into the available box under “API Token".


4.5 Submit the API information:

  • Click on the “Submit" button to send out the API information entered in the API Token box.
